I'm thinking I had a way better Friday night than you did.
I mean seriously just look at that frakkin' pie over there. Home-made crust!
So, yeah there was the pepperoni, spinach, onion and garlic pizza (awesome) and then we had gotten Solaris from Netflix. Turns out it is pretty hardcore science-fiction and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Different idea, cool cinematography, all the allusions to Greek mythology, George Cloony's ass....what could possibly make this movie any better???
Oh yes....
Hope your Friday night was as good as mine! Oh, late morning sleeping in here I come!
Word of the Day Friday, January 29, 2010
\ver-BOHT-n\ , adjective;
1. Forbidden, as by law; prohibited.
"I'm going to do it," he said playing with a french fry. "I bought my ticket last night."
"You bought a ticket???" she exclaimed.
He nodded smiling. She felt a sharp kick of shock in her stomach, and mentally knew that she had to support him, but her reaction time was clearly disappointing.
"That is so fantastic!" she exclaimed forcing a smile.
They were out at Denny's, sharing a plate of fries. She barely ate any and instead sucked down cup after cup of black coffee sweetened with large chunks of brown sugar. She always insisted that they were just hanging out, they weren't dates. I mean, they had never kissed, and now that she was thinking about it, had they ever actually touched? How could they be dating?
"Come with me," he said immediately looking her square in the eye, his sweet mouth set in a hopeful smile.
She felt another kick of adrenaline shoot through her stomach at the thought of actually traveling with him. Of getting on a plane and flying into some unknown country with just the two of them.
"I…I, can't," she stammered, her answer surprising herself more than it surprised him.
He rolled his eyes, "Of course you can't. I know that all fun and adventure is verboten in the life of Elliot. Why can't you come?" he asked mocking her slightly.
She twisted her napkin around and around in her fingers.
"I don't have enough money saved up," she replied.
"Oh, come on. I know you have a pile of money, you have been working all year and I know you don't spend it going out. And clearly you don't spend it on clothing," he said smiling.
"Hey!" she protested meeting his eye.
"Seriously," he said quietly, "Come with me."
She felt so helpless. This wasn't her plan. He was right of course, she had been hoarding every penny she earned to put away for art school. Granted, she hadn't applied yet, but she was going to. Eventually.
And now here he was, his smile lighting up the dark, dingy corner of Denny's.
"Ok, well, just promise me that you will think about it," he said picking up the last french fry on the plate.
"I promise," she nodded.
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