Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Said Goddamn!

Holy Christ! Boy did that little weekend visit from my dad sure mess up my WOTD stories or what?? Sheesh, I got them written each day, but woo-boy did a social life ever mess up the whole posting part of the plan!

Luckily for all of you, I have a paltry social life, so here ya go.

Word of the Day
Tuesday, January 19, 2010


\puh-RAM-byuh-layt\ , intransitive verb;

1. To walk about; to roam; to stroll; as, "he perambulated in the park."

transitive verb:
1. To walk through or over.
2. To travel over for the purpose of surveying or inspecting.

Back in the day before I started riding public transportation to work, I used to view sidewalks as a venue purely for urban perambulation. Whenever I saw someone sprinting down the sidewalk in the middle of downtown, I was always partially horrified, and partially curious as to what would make a sane person in dress clothes run through the business district of a crowded city.

However, it was during one lucid moment, as it crossed my mind to shove the porky police cyclist cruising down the middle of the sidewalk at a much slower pace than my own all-out sprint, that maybe all those crazy business people were trying to out run the jack-ass bus driver to the next closest bus stop because the driver had "pretended" not to see them as they had knocked on the bus door at the red light a half block back.

***Author's Note***
Ok, I'll fess up....this TOTALLY happened to me today. I hate that jack-ass bus driver. But HA HAHAHAHAH, I'm faster than his bus (ok, with a little head start, and some help from a couple of red lights), and he totally had to pick me up at the next stop even though I could have sworn he was trying to out race me so he wouldn't have to pick me up.

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