Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Look Out World!

I applied for my passport today =D

Word of the Day
Tuesday, January 12, 2010


\TAWR-per\ , noun;

1. Lacking in vitality or interest.
2. A state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility.
3. Lethargy; apathy.

What is the point? We just eat, shit, and sleep. That is life. What kind of God would create that sort of existence? Well, maybe there isn't a God. Then there really isn't a point. Or is that the point? That there is no meaning to any of this. That can't be right. What kind of sick social experiment would that perspective be? Maybe we all have to create our own meaning. Could that be the point? But how do you create meaning? Especially meaning in a life? Does my life even mean anything to anyone else? Maybe my parents? But if I died, who would even notice or remember after a few years. Here lived the guy that played a lot of Xbox after school. Definitely not. Well, if the whole point is to create meaning for myself, what exactly is meaningful? Or would it be what society thinks is meaningful? If I'm the one creating meaning do I even need to take into account what society believes? Hmm. I'll have to think about that more. So, what is meaningful to me? Mom would probably make some snide remark about Xbox, or girls in bikinis, or dirt bikes. But that wasn't it. She didn't understand. What means something to me is understanding something. How something works. Yeah, but how does that create meaning? Especially meaning to life? Maybe understanding something bigger. Something that would affect a lot of people. That would definitely mean something. What would that be? Research? Exploration? History?

Marion watched her son out of the corner of her eye as she read at the dining room table. His long teenage body was sprawled out over the sofa in a pose of effortless torpor. A pile of socks and over-sized shoes had been kicked off next to an empty sandwich plate and soda can. How is it that he can lie there, staring into a magazine, thinking about nothing for hours on end, she wondered to herself.

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