I got it written mind you. I just didn't get it posted. See I even have a picture of my story written out in my Blazers game program.
Blazers game program you say?
Indeed! I say.
Remember that "Big 6-0" blog I wrote a couple weeks ago? You know where I asked you all to toast my dad who was turning 60? What? You didn't toast him? Sheesh, you are you people?!?!
Anyway, so my sister and I decided, since you all didn't toast him and everything, that we were going to buy tickets for our dad to ride the train down to Portland and take him out to a Blazers game as a birthday present. And that Blazers game was last night.
And seriously.
It couldn't have been more cool.
I was born in Portland, I spent a good deal of my childhood growing up in Oregon (during the early 90's when the Blazers were actually good), and I have now lived here as an adult for almost seven years, and last night was the first time I had ever been to a Blazers game.
For shame!
Of course, we were way up in the 300 level of the Rose Garden, but it actually wasn't too bad, you could see them playing and it didn't feel like you had to pull out the binoculars. I was a little concerned about whether or not it would be a very good game because practically the entire team is injured, I mean, even the head coach is injured. No seriously.
But the Blazers actually lead the entire game, and ultimately ended up winning by around 20 points.
But more importantly, they won with the score of 102-something.
Why is this important?
Yes, if the Blazers score 100 points or more at a home game everyone at the game wins a free Chalupa from Taco Bell. And they really ran it to the wire. They were barely on pace to score 100 the entire game, hitting 77 points just as the third quarter ended. And with a minute left they were at 99 points.
"Cha-Lu-Pa! Cha-Lu-Pa!" the crowd starts chanting. The Blazers have the ball, drive to the basket and.....MISS. Orlando brings the ball back down the court and I don't remember what happened but somehow, with 0.07 seconds or something Steve Blake hits a three to take the score over 100 right before the game ends!
We then waited in line for forever to get our coupon. But awww baby! It is gonna be worth it!
LUCKY you!
Word of the Day Friday, January 15, 2010
[pal-id] –adjective
1. | pale; faint or deficient in color; wan: a pallid countenance. |
2. | lacking in vitality or interest: a pallid musical performance. |
He watched in horror as the remote control batteries cut out and the Ford Motor blimp at the Blazer game suddenly went adrift around the arena.
"Jeff! What are you doing?" Stephanie hissed at him frantically.
"The remote went out," he said feebly whacking the side of the remote a couple times, but to no avail.
They watched in fascinated horror as the motorized blimp aimlessly traveled on its own in spurts and jerks starting a slow spiral above the crowd. At first the patrons laughed and cheered thinking it was all a publicity stunt, and only when the blimp started to noise dive in a tight spiral, careening out of control that the collective gasps from the crowd could be heard.
Jeff watched, his nose pressed to the glass of the upper box as the blimp came down, front bumper first, the middle aged man underneath it frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, his face pallid with fear. The crowd let out screams and small children pointed as the blimp crashed into the crowd flipping upside down, and then erupted into cheers as the gift certificate dispenser on the bottom of the of the blimp malfunctioned spurting all the remaining gift certificates into the air in a flourish of confetti.
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