Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Word of the Day Friday, March 26, 2010


\im-pih-KYOO-nee-uhs\ , adjective;

1. Not having money; habitually without money; poor.

Joshua sighed and pulled his electric razor out. It was ridiculous, shaving twice a day, but it was necessary.

The women he wanted to date were already out of his league. The last thing he needed was to hand them an easy excuse to turn him down. Swarthy is a good look on a pirate. Not on a dentist.

Luckily, he would be the good looking one tonight. Ever since Jack had started dating Bridgette, Joshua had been left without a wing-man. Of course, with Jack around all he got was the left overs. Women flocked to Jack like ants to sugar. You could almost see their antenna quivering when he entered a room.

But never mind that, he thought, Jack was off the market, and he was going out with Emmett. The perpetually impecunious bachelor. Famously attractive and equally stingy. He was the perfect wing-man. All the best looking women were glancing their way, but inevitably Emmett would start diving up the bill, a major social faux pas with high maintenance women.

It was at that point that Joshua would swoop in, pick up the tab and his clean shaven, if a little weak, jawline would look a lot more attractive.

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