Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tarradiddle, not to be confused with a Yankee Doodle

Word of the Day Wednesday, February 10, 2010


\tair-uh-DID-uhl\ , noun;
also taradiddle

1. A petty falsehood; a fib.
2. Pretentious nonsense.

"Hey, it is me. I was just calling to see where you were at," he said into his self phone. She noticed that his free arm unconsciously wrapped around his chest tightly as if he were protecting himself.

"You are up at Jamison Park? Oh, taking her swimming. Sure," he was pacing in small circles, clearly agitated.

"We're at a wine tasting in the Park blocks outside of the Art Museum, we just got done with the Impressionist exhibit," he murmured.

Suddenly he made a face, exasperation and disgust distorting his normally good natured face.

"Yeah, I go to the Art Museum. Fine. We'll be there soon. Bye." He hung up the phone.

"What was with the face?" she asked as casually as possible, sliding her hand into the small of his back. He was still pacing around, moving to and from her hand.

"In a word, tarradiddle. Christ, that woman. I mentioned that we were at the Art Museum and her response was, 'Fascinating! I didn't know YOU went to the Art Museum'. YES, I go to the Art Museum. Anyway, are you ready to go?" he asked trying to change the subject in his head as well.

"If we must," she replied with a falsely brave smile. She knew full well who they were on their way to meet, and the red flags were waving briskly in the wind.

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