Sunday, February 7, 2010

OMG....We now own a Playstation 3

I'm pretty sure I know why they call it a is because that is the noise you make when you are sliding down the slippery slope that is video games.

See you at the bottom my friends!

Word of the Day
Saturday, February 06, 2010


\es-CHOO\ , transitive verb;

1. To shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful).

It was really all due to her overwhelming competitive nature. It was inherent, her need to win at all costs. Those costs including friendship and love apparently. On more than one occasion, and she wasn't proud of this fact, she had stormed out of a boyfriend's house due to the fact that he wouldn't let her win at the board game they happened to be playing.

But dammit. She was smarter than all of them! She should be able to beat them at a fricking board game!

That was really how she knew Chuck was the one man she would spend the rest of her life with.

When they first started dating, and she thought he was fantastically cute with his chunky black framed glasses and stubbly beard she had merely demurred when it came to board games. Of course, when she mentioned that she would rather make out on his couch than play a board game, Trivial Pursuit rarely came up again in conversation again.

However, after they had inexplicably remained a couple for more than two or three months, Chuck's love of games quickly became apparent. The fascinating part was that he just liked to play them. Not win them. Play them. And eventually she couldn't quite talk her way out of playing anymore.

"Look," she told him, "The truth is that I'm a really bad loser. Like, really bad. Embarrassingly bad loser. You'll break up with me. Wouldn't you rather make out on the couch?"

He laughed, and clearly didn't believe her.

Later when he suggested that she meet some of his friends across town and play some Playstation games together, "Don't you remember what I told you about the games? I wasn't kidding. Your friends will hate me if I play video games against them. I'll be the bitch ex-girlfriend that threw a fit over losing the James Bond game,"

He stared at her a moment, "Did that happen in college or something?" he asked quietly.

She nodded, "Sophomore year. I couldn't figure out how the guns worked the gave Jeff a black eye when I threw the controller across the room."

Chuck smiled, "You know what? Games have gotten better these days. You can actually play games instead of just compete. We'll play some Rock Band together. We'll be a team, and no one will need to get a black eye."

And they lived happily ever after.

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