Monday, February 15, 2010


Word of the Day Saturday, February 13, 2010


\kyoo-PID-uh-tee\ , noun;

1. Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.

He propped his elbows up on the bar and settled into his seat. A red vinyl covered stool, hooking his boots into the rungs. He had taken the gig as music reviewer for the money. He could write a scathing, snarky review without knowing a whole lot about music, and he quickly found that if he used enough polysyllabic words the masses seemed to respect his opinions even more.

The bartender brought him his whiskey, he nodded his appreciation and turned his stool around to face the stage. He made a couple of notes about the atmosphere, or lack there of, and the dreariness of the bar. Generic, uninspired, not geared towards music but towards the propagation of mainstream ideas. Blah blah blah, his usual Ivory Tower tripe.

He sighed and took another sip off his whiskey. He couldn't imagine continuing this gig for much longer, he was starting to disgust himself with the bullshit he spewed out. He liked tearing people to shreds and all, but this wasn't even challenging. He spun the stool from side to side slightly. Okay, well, what would be challenging? Ha, trying to selling this place as actually hip he thought with a bitter laugh.

But then he stopped laughing. That would actually be kind of an interesting challenge. To give this place a review that wouldn't ruin his reputation as an honest reviewer, but to take a place that wasn't special and try to turn it around purely by his review alone.

He relished his own hubris, seeing it for exactly what it was, a cupidity for power bubbling underneath him like a stew coming to a boil, but not really caring how arrogant it made him. Someone had to tell the rest of the world what to think about things, why not him? And so he started to scribble furiously into his notepad deciding with a quick look around the bar that this place would now be the hangout of choice for the urban cowboy at heart.

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